Kindness & Creativity

Realizing I Need a New Plan

I have been talking a lot about wanting to write and wanting to continue developing my digital art understanding. Creating and illustrating a picture book would allow me to meld those two wants and a class assignment into one task; it would be so efficient and productive. 

With timely serendipity I stumbled upon this video. Masterful artist Shingo Tamagawa told me exactly what I needed to hear. 

By developing his own process of expression and following his passions he learned to love and value the process of creating. I am inspired by the way he talks about his artwork and his practice. At 16:38 in this video Tamagawa says, “It shouldn’t just be about working in the most efficient and easy manner… I am not making animation in order to be efficient. I make animation to create new things and generate new emotions that I haven’t felt before. I believe everybody has that joy inside them.”

I have not been exercising this creative joy, I have been feeling stuck. In the midst of a global pandemic and while experiencing some struggles with mental health I have set unreasonable goals for myself. For some people writing and illustrating a picture book is their entire job! I am excited to make things for the sake of creating: not for a title,  not for a finished product, not for efficiency, not for productivity, not to monetize.  I am going to go back to the basics and create for the sake of creating. I want to fall back in love with the arts and document the process and I forgive myself for asking too much. 

Inspired by a classmate and fellow recent blog owner, Recess Knitting, I created a list of questions to refer back to as I move forward re-learning to love making art.

  • How can I incorporate different materials and mediums?
  • How can I incorporate more play into my art explorations?
    • finger paint?
  • How can I change my mindset around the efficiency/practicality/productivity of creating to instead focus on the process?
  • How can art influence mental health?
    • how do I feel while/after painting?
    • how do I feel while/after drawing?
    • how do I feel while/after making art digitally?
    • Am I enjoying myself?
      • if not, why?


Hope you are doing well, forgiving yourself, and staying hydrated, 





Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

GIF by Lizz Lunney on Giphy 

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